ZHMICRO was established in 1987. Initially ZHMICRO provided consulting services for Micro and Minicomputers. Several top universities adopted several of ZHMICRO's products including the word processor Ultimate Script and Ultimate Basic across the United States. These products provided them with an advanced solution in the development of software solutions and the ability to promote and advance education in the area of computer sciences.
In 1990 ZHMICRO included Mainframe among its consulting services and initiated research into the areas of Platform Independent Software Development and Distributed Computing. By 1996 the foundation for Z++ was established as a viable solution to resolve many of the issues that software developers faced when creating applications in multi-platform environments. Later in 1997 the company was renamed Z++ Ultimate Software and expanded into both wireless and PDA providing software development solutions and consulting services while continuing to make tremendous advancements in Z++.
Since 2001 the company has taken advantage of its experience gained from providing consulting services to diverse software companies to develop state-of-the-art solutions in the areas of Distributed Computing and established itself as a leader in assisting companies in overcoming the technical hurdles experienced developing software in today's highly complex environments. In 2004 the company returned to the name ZHMICRO and has since focused on turning its successful Z++ research into valuable commercial products.
Intense competition in the software industry has driven several companies to promote their own platforms aggressively in the hope of one day unifying their language and the platforms they run on. Unfortunately this has left many developers and companies alike caught up in this struggle. Companies are required to utilize multiple languages in order to operate on multiple platforms. Developers struggle to learn multiple languages and platforms instead of being able to master one language and focus on developing projects that are truly platform independent.
ZHMICRO has overcome all of this by stepping out of the box and looking at the bigger picture. We have laid out a complete software development solution that is not only simple in its design but it is easy to implement, doesn't involve drastic changes, and only requires minor adaptation.
Because of this vision ZHMICRO products and solutions focus on:
Platform independence
Heavy Development Cost Reductions
Reducing Time to Market
Advancing Distributed Computing
Empowering Software Developers
Promoting Innovative Ideas